Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I am sitting in the cockpit of the flying boat. If only Dad and Ken could have been there with me. I bet I enjoyed the Irish Coffee more than they would have. It was invented at this airport to serve to tired and freezing cold passengers. It was very good and I'll have to try to make some at home!

We stopped at some pretty cool castle for a bathroom break. I asked one poor person in Kilkenny where the restroom was, she didn't know what I was talking about. The restrooms are marked toilets and that is what you ask for. Somehow the way Archie Bunker said toilet always comes to mind. Anyway, I loved this red phone. Somehow I see Harry Potter entering the booth to go to headquarters.

This is a picture of a golf course we saw on our way to the Cliffs of Mohr. The course was huge and looked like a challenge. This was pretty level there. We were told that movie stars come to visit and play here.

The Cliffs of Mohr was a pretty spectacular place. This is just one part of the horseshoe. It was very windy, but beautiful.

We had a long drive today through some beautiful, lush, green countryside, In fact the bus is so comfortable that I fell asleep. Mary told me I missed 150 sheep and 20 castles.
I am so impressed with the history behind the buildings and the fact that even if the roof is no longer there that everyone respects them. I have seen graffiti in the cities, but NEVER on the old buildings. The rock walls were impressive along the coastline. They wanted to have sheep and farm so they carried the rocks away and built fences with them. It took many, many years to do one little place. Then they brought sand and seaweed and mulched it. Wow, man can sure be stubborn when needed. The fences are very, very old. I can't remember for sure how old or how long it took them to build them. I think the fences took maybe 100 years to build and they have been around for many, many more years than that. I should have kept a diary, thought this would take it's place. I'll post some photos.
I really thought about my brother and dad today. Ken finds all the strange airplane places and dad was a pilot. We visited a flying boat museum today. Ireland was the landing place for the first transatlantic flights. The airboats flew across the ocean and landed on the water. Pretty cool. They built a replica that we could go in. Far more comfortable than planes now, it even had a honeymoon room. It is also the first place to make and serve Irish coffee.
There's so much more to Ireland than this trip. I hope I have time to do a better job sharing soon.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you are having a wonderful time.
    i have heard the same about no roving and yarns. strange.....
    baleigh green passed away today-remember her in your prayers.
